“The Reiki was very helpful…a glimpse of the healthy me. It was wonderful. On the right path for sure.”
for everyone
Heard of Reiki, maybe even experienced it and really liked it? Have pains or issues you think it might help? Wish it were more accessible? Maybe even want to learn it for yourself?
Sign up for our mailing list to keep in touch and receive a free video that shows how to do self-care.
For Reiki Practitioners
So you’ve learned Reiki, and now you are thinking about ways to practice in the real world?
Maybe you’re feeling a little uncertain about how? Maybe you’ve done some things to start a practice, and are still waiting for the clients to show up?
It doesn’t seem right, somehow – shouldn’t everyone in the world be able to experience the gentle peace of hands-on healing with Reiki? So much suffering out there, why can’t we just heal it all?
At Reiki Community Health & Wellbeing, we’ve learned a few things together over the years. We’re not Reiki marketing geniuses, but a work in progress, always making new beginnings. We’d like to share our learnings with you and together help ourselves and our communities feel better.
This takes thoughtful steps, on our part and yours.
First, have you signed up for our mailing list? If you are really interested in strengthening your Reiki practice, we offer practical news that can help.
Second, have you stopped by our Tuesday evening online shares? We contemplate the Reiki Principles together, chat about what’s going on, and finish with a really nice self-treatment, all in less than an hour.
Third, if you want to join us and work together, you have to be serious about it, as we are. We don’t mean “serious” as in humorless and driven, we mean serious about creating and sustaining a home for gentle joy that all people can benefit from. You will see what this means when you take a look at the details.
Are you ready?